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* daily rates, based on weekly rentals. please check availability, prices may have changed without notice.

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  • unlimited mileage!
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lato ***
  • location: it is situated in a quiet corner near the commercial center of iraklio, exactly across the old venetian port, and right next to the famous archeological museum.  
  • services: fully renovated in 1995, the hotel offers breakfast room, an air conditioned conference room for 40 persons, tv area, roof garden.  
  • rooms: there are 50 rooms luxuriously furnished. further more they are sound isolated and offer a remarkable view to the venetian castle of koules at the old port of heraklion.  all rooms acquire a self - regulated air condition, a tv set, direct-dial telephone connection, music system , mini-bar, private bathroom and spacious balconies or verandas.  

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